Windwalker Media Apps

BookGorilla: Kindle Book Alert 1.5
Windwalker Media
Imagine a single daily alert, tailored to yourpersonal reading preferences, featuring the best deals on the bestfree and bargain Kindle ebooks. Sweet.But you don't have to imagine. As you’ll see, we're talking Grishamand Grafton, King and Kingsolver, Roberts and Rowling, Dan Brownand Sandra Brown, and other top-shelf bestselling authors toonumerous to name. Then we sprinkle in 5-star freebies, dazzlingboxed set alerts, indie discoveries, and must-read nonfiction --all absolutely free!BookGorilla works best when you, as a reader, have it your way:Instead of pushing you to buy books that we want you to buy,BookGorilla shows you books that you actually want to read, atprices you never dreamed possible! Get only the recommendations youwant, by selecting your favorites genres from over 200 Kindle bookcategories. Tell us how many book deal recommendations you want tosee each day -- 12, 25, or 50 books -- and we’ll send you our bestdeals in a single daily alert!Quality books at great prices, delivered straight to your KindleFire or other Android device: it’s a no-brainer for booklovers.